Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How memory works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How memory works - Essay Example This is stored with the usage of three ways. First of all, the human mind changes matter into storage forms. This is done by integrating memory with known events which can be things are seen, heard or experienced. This method is referred to as encoding. The second step is storage whereby the human mind places information in the memory for storage. The final part is the ability of a human being to recall and recover the stored information in times of need that is when a person needs to utilize the memory. An interesting aspect of human memory which is unique to the human memory is that their memory functions as a multi unit. The three basic divisions include the sensory memory, the short term memory and the long term memory. The sensory memory is one which comes directly from the persons five senses. This memory is not very long lasting and stays for around 350 milliseconds. This memory does not possess ways for improvement. In 1960 an experiment was conducted by George Sperling to test this memory. According to the procedure a group of people was shown twelve letters arranged in three different rows. Different subjects were asked to repeat the different letters present in different rows. The subjects recalled what they saw but they could not remember it for a long time. The experiment suggested that the sensory memory got erased after some time and the maximum capacity of the sensory memory that a person could retain was around twelve letters. The short term memory is the next step which is reached when the events are moved from the sensory part to the area of realization and perception. This information is also short lived but the time duration of this memory is greater than that of the sensory memory. This time is around 30 seconds and this memory is used basically in short tasks. But this memory does have space for improvement by a method which is known as chunking. Chunking as the name implies means to break in to pieces. An

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lord of the Flies Analysis Essay Example for Free

Lord of the Flies Analysis Essay Golding’s novel and its exploration of temptation on a deserted island can be examined within a broader understanding of mankind and social order. Patrick Reilly from the University of Iowa Press states, â€Å"Lord of the Flies depicts the disintegration of a society whose members play rather than work. † (Reilly 138-61) The inclination to give in to temptation is depicted in biblical passages as far back as Adam and Eve. When they are told not to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge, they do so anyway because temptation drives them. Temptation can also be witnessed in the modern world. Even within a structured society that upholds rules and boundaries, the urge to act on impulse is inevitable. For example, people that cheat on their husbands or wives may be tempted by jealousy, revenge, and excitement. They can resist, but the drive to cheat is too strong for some. Even minor infractions such as speeding to get to work on time stem from temptation. Overall, temptation and its consequences play a huge role in societal behavior, and there is no way to evade it. â€Å"He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling. (Golding 64) This powerful quote describes Jack immediately before he brutally murders a nursing sow. Bloodlust, defined as a desire for bloodshed, and temptation, the craving to have or do something that should be avoided alters Jack’s mind. The pigs that the boys hunt and kill in Golding’s novel Lord of The Flies represent how temptation can lead one into savagery and bloodlust. As early as chapter one, temptation arises because of the basic need to eat and survive. The group is reluctant to kill a pig, let alone draw blood from a living thing. Their sense of morals is strong, and Jack is unable to kill the first pig they encounter. Golding states, â€Å"He raised his arm in the air. There came a pause†¦the blade continued to flash at the end of a bony arm. The pause was only long enough for them to understand what an enormity the downward stroke would be. The piglet tore loose from the creepers and scurried into the undergrowth. † (31) This shows that Jack was uncertain whether or not to kill the pig and missed his chance. When questioned about his hesitancy, Jack defends himself by stating â€Å"I was going to†¦I was choosing a place. Next time! † (Golding 31) However the boys recognize the truth. Jack doesn’t kill the pig because he cannot bear to see a living creature bleed and die. As time on the island passes, temptation to hunt and kill grows. Before the pig hunt in chapter 4, the boys decide to paint their faces with island shrubbery to conceal themselves. As shown in this quote, they feel â€Å"liberated from shame and self-consciousness† (Golding 64) The group is still uneasy at the thought of bloodshed and must hide behind their masks to finally kill a pig. The mask compelled them† (Golding 64) After this pig hunt, a change from civilization to primitivism, from good to evil begins to take place. Golding states, â€Å"There were lashings of blood†, said Jack laughing and shuddering, â€Å"you should have seen it! We’ll go hunting everyday—â€Å" (69-70) Each subsequent pig hunt gets increasingly violent and savage. Even Ralph, who has resisted what he believes to be immoral, now eagerly participates. Golding writes, â€Å"Ralph talked on excitedly. ‘I hit him all right. The spear stuck in. I wounded him! ’ He sunned himself in their new respect and felt that hunting was good after all. (Golding 113) After hitting the boar on the snout with the spear, he is overwhelmed with exhilaration and takes pride in himself by gloating. Ralph’s conscience is deteriorating as his primal urges begin to surface. The ensuing hunts are no longer about survival and basic human needs. Instead, violence, savagery, and bloodlust are the motivators. Golding writes, â€Å"The sow staggered her way ahead of them, bleeding and mad, and the hunters followed, wedded to her in lust, excited by the long chase and the dropped blood. † (135) As savagery escalates, the boy’s behavior becomes increasingly demented and uncalled for. For example, one of the killed pigs is offered to the beast. Jack decapitates the pig’s head and places it on a spear as depicted in the following quote; â€Å"This head is for the beast. It’s a gift. † (Golding 137) The head soon rots and becomes covered with flies and insects. It becomes the Lord of the Flies, a symbol of evil and temptation. It also depicts the deterioration of the group. As the head rots and becomes corrupt, so do the boys. Caught up in this violent escapade, the boys forget to watch the fire and miss a crucial chance of rescue. In Chapter 9 the boys are in a complete frenzy during a monstrous storm. They are delusional and murder Simon in blind rage, believing he is the beast. As shown in The Lord of the Flies, temptation for power, for control, and to do evil leads to destruction, savagery, and grief. Skylar Burris informs us that Golding delivered a lecture on his personal explanation for the collapse of a civilization. She reports that Golding believes the breakdown is due to the inherent evil present within all human beings (Burris 1). Golding’s view of man’s basic instinct toward evil and the vicious nature of temptation is a powerful theme.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Power and the Legal System Essay -- Law

Access to the law and legal system is the ability to shape it, both in its meaning and understanding. While the factors that usually determine the power to shape law are not static, in general, access to law has been held by specific groups of people: the wealthy, males, whites, and religious authorities. In constructing the law, these specific groups have traditionally used their power to reinforce their dominant position and impede the ability of powerless groups to further their interests. It is this position of advantage that allows the prevailing groups to maintain a system of inequality fortified by the law that protects their prosperity while forcing the disadvantaged to appeal to problematic methods to promote their well-being as a result of their lack of access. In his speech, â€Å"Address to the Prisoners in Cook County Jail,† Clarence Darrow defines law as a creation of the rich, who, because of their wealth, own and control most of the property and institutions of society (Darrow 229). The access that comes with their wealth then grants them the power to construct the law in a way that sustains their elite position. For Darrow, as a consequence of this system of power, the unprivileged individuals are forced to seek out other, often criminal means of living in order to survive. He explains this by stating, â€Å"The more that is taken from the poor by the rich, who have the chance to take it, the more poor people there are who are compelled to resort to these means for a livelihood† (227). By wielding their power, the rich have been able to consistently thwart the ability of the poor to access legitimate opportunities, often leading them to participate in activities such as robbery and burglary in order to ob... ... for the structure of inequality to be destroyed, access to the law and the ability to shape it must be given to all. Works Cited MLA Citation Darrow, Clarence. â€Å"Address to the Prisoners in the Cook County Jail.† Before the Law: An Introduction to the Legal Process. Ed. John J. Bonsignore., et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. pp. 225-232. Galanter, Marc. â€Å"Why the ‘Haves’ Come Out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change.† Before the Law: An Introduction to the Legal Process. Ed. John J. Bonsignore., et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. pp. 81-89. Kropoktin, Peter. â€Å"Law and Authority.† Before the Law: An Introduction to the Legal Process. Ed. John J. Bonsignore., et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. pp. 158-167. MacKinnon, Katherine. â€Å"A Rally Against Rape.† White Plaza, Stanford University. 16 Nov. 1981.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

12th Night Essay

Did Shakespeare’s characters get what they deserve? To what extent? The majority of Shakespeare’s characters did not get what they deserved in the end, there definitely is a strong scent of injustice that hangs in the air around Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. This, however, does not mean that it made life harder for his characters. In quite a few cases, it actually leaves them better off. Nevertheless, this is not to say that they are not punished for their wrong deeds, sometimes in ways that are completely unfair.Shakespeare shows us painful truth of the injustice that exits within humanity. In the case of Malvolio, we are quick to act, but not to investigate. We also learn that love can fix many things, but it can also tear them apart, as we see with Olivia, Orsino, Sebastian and Viola. Also, as seen through the character of Antonio, bad things can be forgotten if a good enough deed replaces it. As many of us know, humanity is infamous for their willingness to ju dge and act against a person before they fully investigate the situation; Malvolio is just one example of this.We are aware that Malvolio did treat others in a derogatory manner, â€Å"Go hang yourselves all! You are idle, shallow things; I am not of your element,† – Malvolio, Act 3 Scene 4. He never actually incapacitated anyone; he never broke the law or strayed from his duties. He was simply just a spiteful individual and did not deserve to be imprisoned in a cage for however many hours of his life. I feel that this was an extreme measure and in the end, it may have inflicted more anger and discourtesy towards Sir Andrew, Sir Toby and Maria, reversing the entire effect their ‘plan’ was intended to make.When the truth was eventually exposed, and Malvolio freed after facing an invalid punishment, he was understandably furious, proclaiming, â€Å"I’ll be revenged on the whole pack of you! † – Malvolio, Act 5 Scene 1. Perhaps this was a harsh act of karma, all we know is that Olivia was quick to accuse him without further evidence, proving that for once and for all that humanity is unjust. Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy, and romantic love is the play’s main focus. Despite the fact that the play offers a happy ending, in which the various lovers find one another and are married, Shakespeare shows that love can cause pain.Many of the characters seem to view love as a kind of curse, a feeling that attacks its victims suddenly and disruptively. Various characters claim to suffer painfully from being in love. At one point, Orsino describes love miserably as an â€Å"appetite† that he wants to satisfy and cannot, Act 1 Scene 1; at another point, he calls his desires â€Å"fell and cruel hounds,† Act 1 Scene 1. Olivia more bluntly describes love as a â€Å"plague† from which she suffers terribly, Act 1 Scene 5. These metaphors contain an element of violence, further painting the love-struc k as victims of some random force in the universe.Even the less melodramatic Viola sighs unhappily that â€Å"My state is desperate for my master’s love,† Act 2 Scene 2. This desperation has the potential to result in violence, as in Act 5 scene 1, when Orsino threatens to kill Cesario because he thinks that Cesario has abandoned him to become Olivia’s lover. Love is also exclusionary: some people achieve romantic happiness, while others do not. At the end of the play, as the happy lovers celebrate, Malvolio is prevented from having the objects of his desire.Malvolio, who has pursued Olivia, must eventually face the realization that he is a fool, socially undeserving of his noble mistress. Love, therefore, cannot overcome all obstacles, and those whose desires go unfulfilled remain no less in love but feel the sting of its absence even more severely. Sometimes in life, we can make up for our crimes, merely by doing respectable deeds instead. This is what Shakesp eare demonstrates for us through the character of Antonio. We become conscious that Antonio’s past is shadowed with unlawful activity when he voices to Sebastian of â€Å"many his enemies in Orsino’s court,† Act 2 Scene 3.Nevertheless, he still follows Sebastian, showing courage and loyalty. He then defends Viola (Dressed as Cesario but identical to Sebastian) from Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, bringing himself to the attention of the officers, who recognise him from his shady past and drag him away. Yet it is when Orsino sees him and Viola takes Antonio’s side, reimbursing the favour he did for her, that Orsino concludes that Antonio is free to go, insisting that he is a, â€Å"Notable pirate† and wonders how he, â€Å"Hast made thine enemies? Act 5 Scene 1. So he is pardoned of all of his corrupt deeds, purely because he was kind and displayed courage and determination. As a result, it is quite clear that no one in Twelfth Night truly gets what he or she deserves. Shakespeare’s plays are just as unjust as the world itself, perhaps this is why we love to read and watch his works, we can relate to them. Twelfth Night has helped to show me just how one-sided life can be, but also that that unfairness can also work in my favour.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Darden case study Essay

1. Using the full spectrum of segmentation variables, describe how Darden segments and targets the sit-down dining market. The types of segmentation include geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation. For geographic segmentation, Darden has all of its Longhorn Steakhouse restaurants in the eastern half of the United States but they are trying to expand to the west coast. This is a great idea because out west is an untapped market with great potential for lots of earnings. Darden has a chance to redefine the image of steakhouses as is currently being done like the classiness that is being added to the brand. The customer traffic is increasing and Longhorn Steakhouse could potentially even overtake Outback Steakhouse as the premier steakhouse type of restaurant. For demographic segmentation, Red Lobster represents the opportunity Darden has to fill the gap between the young fast food concept and the upscale white-tablecloth restaurants. Red lobster is even making many changes to accommodate for the changing times around America which is causing sales to fall. With innovative concepts such as wood fired grilling resulting in a â€Å"taste of wood-grilled seafood† and investments in equipment and training, Darden is putting itself back in the spotlight to becoming recognized and respected. You can also never go wrong with fried shrimp so Red Lobster will always have that marketing card to play. The Psychographic segmentation is shown by how people want to feel positive emotions when they go out to restaurants such as the concept of a happy family and namely the mythical Italian family. Customers want to feel emotionally satisfied as much as they want to be physically satisfied by the food. Creating an authentic menu hits close to home because people get that warm and happy feeling when they see the authenticity. Even Olive Garden’s commercial â€Å"When you’re here, you’re family† and slogan show the feelings of connection that Americans want to feel and would be willing to come in for. Behavioral segmentation is shown in how less frequently Americans want to sit down at restaurants to eat their meals. With all of our financial constraints we are choosing different and more cost effective ways to eat out and have a good time with the family. Darden needs to use more cost effective ways to lower the meal prices so that family’s will once again be willing to eat out at a sit down restaurant on a regular basis.